Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Euurrggghhh Sarah's hair is so gash. Pigtails??? What are you, 12!? Jesus. They look like deformed tree branches.

And that bloody what's his names...Danny? AKA the Grinch looks like a mutant psychopath. Especially with that santa hat on! "It could be that his head wasn't screwed on quite right, It could be, perhaps, that his shoes were to tight..."

Finally, the pathetic little whiner that is...oh I've just had a memory lapse and can't remember her name. The one who's being "harassed" at work anyway. You just wouldn't put up with it would you? And would you really care about keeping a kak job like that for all the trouble it's worth? It's just absolutely ridiculous.

Oh Hollyoaks, you're maddening me right now.

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